Here's a recent finish from an Indygo Junction bag pattern called Pocket Perfect . It was really quite simple to make with good instructions. The fabric I used was a French General (stripe) and a Robyn Pandolph (floral). I lined it with some Les Olivades fabric a friend had left over after making curtains.
When I was tidying up I found a silk embroidered heart I made a long time ago. The boullion roses are done with Madeira Silk Floss which is a four strand floss that I have always loved to use. I tea dyed the lace. I used to teach embroidery and smocking at my LQS years ago and this was a sample.
The Attic Shirtings I ordered arrived in the mail today. I'm going to use them with the repro's I posted a picture of last week. Like most quilters I have more ideas for quilts than I have time to make but I sure have fun trying!
I was thinking about how we come to be quilters, I'd love to hear from you. My Mother hates sewing but always had lots of unbleached calico (natural muslin) for me to sew on my Nanna's ancient Singer. Thats where it all began for me.
I used to be a dressmaker and collected fabric for making clothes. During my 4th pregnancy I started doing handwork because I was in no shape to be trying on newly made clothes and I didn't need anything for the baby because I was convinced I was having yet another boy. I fell in love with embroidery and cross stitch and satisfied my need to create by embroidering a baby's blanket. When my one and only daughter was born
I was so thrilled to finally have my own little girl to sew for, I started the day I brought her home from hospital! However the really special item I made her was a quilt for her cot. What a wonderful thing this quiltmaking is I thought to myself as I chose the fabrics, perfect for a fabric addict such as me, Not only do I get to play with fabric but I get to play with LOTS of different fabrics!!! That was a really great moment and I've never looked back!
Hope you are all having fun with your fabric and quilting, bye for now, Rowena.
Attic shirtings & more paper piecing |